Sunday, November 30, 2008

Now With Unisom!

After spending most of today feeling just wretched, I decided it's time to add the Unisom to my battling-morning-sickness regimen. So we headed out to CVS and were able to pick up a 32-count of generic doxylamine succinate for $8.99. Apparently there's also a version that's made with diphenhydramine (Benadryl), but the doxylamine is what you want for morning sickness.

Feeling desperate, I went ahead and took one with dinner, along with a B6, figuring that if it made me sleepy, I still had several hours to sleep it off before going in to work at 11.

I don't know if it was a coincidence or not, but within about an hour, I had a pretty solid craving for some macaroni and cheese. Luckily, we'd bought some while we were at Aldi's this week--along with an embarrassing number of other convenience foods. What can I say--desperate times call for desperate measures, and the only things that sound good to me lately are things that don't require much cooking, even if somebody else is doing the cooking. Which is why, for probably the first time in our marriage, our cart contained things like mac n cheese, Spaghettios (!!), and chicken pot pies. And...White Cheddar Cheez-Its. So anyway, we whipped up the mac (topped with homemade hot sauce!) and so far I'm feeling really good, by far the best I've felt all day. Maybe even all week.

I'm consoling myself with the thought that my prepregancy diet, as well as my diet up until about 7 weeks when I started to feel so sick, was notoriously low in processed foods, and that I'm committed to returning to such a diet once my sickness resolves (which I'm hoping will be within the month). I'll have a good number of months to be concerned about food choices, but for right now, my main worry is just getting food in and keeping it in, period. And if it takes an OTC decongestant and a few processed foods to get me there, I'm just going to stay flexible about it.

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