Wednesday, November 19, 2008

From There to Here

All day yesterday, I just felt like total and utter dog crap. I was horribly nauseated, my sinuses were stuffed up, I had a bad tension headache, and my body ached all over. After work, I came home with chills and the shakes (though surprisingly, no fever) and fell asleep right after dinner. I felt terrible. I felt like I had the plague.

Then, I woke up this morning and felt FABULOUS. Full of energy, no longer nauseous, body aches gone. That continued all day. I didn't have a ton of appetite for breakfast (of course, at 6am, who does?) but I downed a glass of juice (can I just say that there are no words to say how much I LOVE ORANGE JUICE these days? --though only not from concentrate) and one of milk with no problem. Then at work, I got starving hungry at around 9:50 and bolted down to the cafeteria in a panic before it closed at 10. There was one lonely sausage and egg muffin sitting underneath the heat lamps, just calling my name. The guy in front of me was in the process of asking, "Well, how old is it?" The cafeteria worker shrugged and said "I don't know, it's just kind of dried up and not...fresh." I butted him aside and said "Well, do you want it or not?" He gave me sort of a disgusted look and said "Uh, no." I snatched it up and bought it--with a huge thing of orange juice.


And I've felt awesome all day, despite running my butt off at work for nine hours.

It's given me an appreciation for just how good I actually feel most of the time. Sometimes I look at all that Matt and I do in the name of health, the chemicals we shun and the crazy way we do things, and I wonder if it makes a difference. Now, I'm fairly convinced it does. It took being knocked on my butt for a day to realize that honestly, most of the time I am fairly bursting with energy, and that's something I'm very grateful for.

Now, it remains to be seen whether this is the beginning of an upswing, or just a fluke...

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