Tuesday, November 25, 2008

So That's What That Taste Means

In a fun, ironic twist, not 15 minutes after I wrote the last post, I was complaining of the metallic taste in my mouth and one of Matt's coworkers, who has had two children, said "Oh, I remember that! It always happened right before I would throw up." I demurred, saying that I didn't actually vomit with my "morning" sickness, just felt terribly nauseous. I did ask Matt if we could walk out to the drugstore and get some gum, though, since the taste was getting really sickening even though I'd just brushed my teeth.

We were no sooner on the hotel steps than that familiar, hot-flash, saliva-running-like-a-faucet feeling hit me. I looked around desperately and managed to spot a garbage can across the street. Tearing off my scarf as we walked, I got there just in time to launch an amazing technicolor performance into the trash. A real kaleidescope yawn extraordinaire--I don't know where it all came from. It just kept coming.

Thankfully, I felt better after I did it, but this does represent a whole new low, on several different levels. And that metallic taste? I won't be taking it lightly in the future.

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