Monday, April 26, 2010

Fun calculators

Here are calculators you can use to figure out how much you save (or would save) by breastfeeding and/or cloth diapering. It doesn't even touch the health benefits, though, which are the main reason we do both. Love it!

Breastfeeding calculator

Cloth diapering calculator

...or not.

Shortly after my last post, Eden developed a bout of slimy green diarrhea (well, it was)! that made me decide to basically exclusively breastfeed her again. Like clockwork, once she cut out table food, the temps and cervical fluid that had been slowly creeping toward fertile immediately slammed on the brakes, and my fertility went right back into hibernation. Really, it's pretty neat that our bodies are able to do such an abrupt about-face and send the message that "Hey, seems like your first baby needs all of your attention right now! Ixnay on the new conception!" While I'm pleased to report that two weeks and countless blowouts later, her poops have returned to normal (sans medical intervention or input), my period still seems to be in hiding. Ah, well. We'll take that as meant to be for now.