Monday, October 6, 2008

Time change

Photo by Leo Reynolds

I'm working nights this week, which means I'm waking up between 3 and 4pm instead of 5 and 6 am. It also means that taking my temperature after "3 hours of uninterrupted sleep" is a difficult task, because that's a hard commodity to come by when you're sleeping during the day. So I just take it when I first get up--in today's case, 3pm, which is 10 hours after I usually take it, and I'd also gotten up twice already to go to the bathroom.

As such, I wasn't surprised to see my temperature out of whack (97.5 as opposed to my normal 96.9-97.2). To make matters more complicated, we're also traveling to the West Coast this week, meaning that after having just shifted my body clock by 10-12 hours, I will then have to adjust it back 12 hours to get back on days, and then back another 3 hours to get in the right time zone. Then readjust it 3 hours forward when we come back, travel all day, and work first thing the next morning. I get the feeling this will wreak havoc on more than just my basal temperature! Incidentally, I'm curious to see whether this will delay or otherwise affect ovulation, or have any other effect on my cycle.

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