Sunday, May 3, 2009

The big 3-0

30 weeks. To some extent, I feel like I'm settling into this pregnancy--starting to understand its rhythms, its rhyme and reason (if there is such a thing). There are fewer surprises these days, and knowing what to expect counts for a lot. Even discomforts like the sometimes-excruciating pelvic pain seem to be somewhat predictable: if I overdo it, or if the baby and I seem to have a growth spurt, I'll have a very painful several days, over the course of which acupuncture, chiropractic, ice, and rest will gradually help me back to a functional (though not totally pain-free) state. Bike riding, unfortunately, is another thing which seems to aggravate it very predictably, and so I am most likely going to give that up until I'm no longer pregnant--much to my chagrin, since it's the only way I can propel myself around in a way that makes me feel light and speedy. Otherwise, I'm more or less getting used to feeling large and slow and short of breath a lot of the time (I always say I have room in my belly for the best 2 out of 3--my stomach, my lungs, or the baby. Especially after I eat, my lungs seem to be the ones to get short shrift).

On the other hand--I can't say that I'm not looking forward to having the baby in a couple of months (which now feels like the home stretch to me--I am a good 75% done!). My body seems to be slowly but steadily gearing up as well: The Braxton-Hicks contractions I've felt since 10 weeks are slowly getting stronger, the baby's movements are getting progressively stronger, and my bladder capacity once again seems to be shrinking. Annoyingly, my expanding girth means that I bump into things almost constantly and people bump into me, and I find this leaving me increasingly short-tempered at times. My walk has settled firmly into a waddle (as people don't seem to mind telling me), which seems to have a lot to do with my pelvic issues, and I'll be glad to resume some semblance of a normal stride--along with the ability to move with some degree of speed. I had to try to chase one of the cats around the apartment tonight to take away a rubber band she was chewing on, and the effort it took made me reflect wistfully on how athletic and energized I felt at this time last year. I also miss my wedding rings, and my ankle bones.

At the same time, I still feel lucky to have had such a healthy pregnancy so far, and I'm optimistic that we'll have a healthy, normal birth as well. I know the discomforts I'm feeling are both temporary and worth it.

And, I'm beyond pleased to report that some of my stretch marks are even starting to fade already.

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