Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Getting Closer

I should begin by saying "heck yes" about my wife's previous post. We are definitely do-it-yourselfers, and have been steadily getting away from anything unnatural. But, this is an interesting time for a couple to choose to undertake such a project. A number of weeks ago, we thought that our marriage was shaken to the point that it might have came apart completely. We are so very glad that it didn't, but both of us are still dealing with the aftermath of this. So, it would seem sort of wild to some to try something that, if you are not careful, could end up in an unplanned pregnancy. But, we are the fearless type, and we work to keep our faith and our values in front of everything that we do. And so, bodily health, simplicity, communication, and a loving act, all of which describe the many good parts of the fertility awareness method, made the method seem to be not just a good option, but a necessity.

We feel like, as my wife previously said, that this is already pulling us closer together. Waking up at 5am with someone to take there basal temp will do this, but even more will daily cervical checks. I have been enjoying doing the checks a lot, but as we still go through our relationship ups and downs, I realize truly how much trust it takes to let someone, even your husband, do this. When we are not feeling particularly close, there is nothing like a mucus or cervical check to help us realize, "Well, you better get close." I have seen my lovely go through a gynecology exam, and have seen how uncomfortable that is, so I never want what I do to come anywhere near to that. Being in this intimate series of daily checks together has helped us to keep in mind that we are doing this for each other, and being comfortable, loving, and communicative is just as important as the charting or the checks. If we were not close or at least working to be close, why would we do it. No potential for closeness means no potential for sex, which means not much of a point for fertility awareness.

So anyway, we are doing well lately, even with the ups and downs. And I love my wife and deeply appreciate this time to learn more about her cycles. I am really so excited to see what affects this may have on her body, and where this will take our relationship. No matter what, I am sure that it will be exciting.

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