Sunday, April 26, 2009

Puff plus

photo by Omgayeo

All I can say is that I am so swollen this weekend!

Granted, the fact that this is my number one complaint is an improvement over other weeks, when I've been unable to keep down nourishment or have been in excruciating pain, but still. Rampant discomfort is no picnic either.

It started toward the end of last week and it started where it always does: in my hands. Even before I was pregnant, my hands have swollen in response to heat and/or exercise. So it's no surprise that at 7 months pregnant and with the thermometer tipping 90 degrees this weekend, I finally had to take my wedding ring off (or face the idea of having someone cut it off).

By Saturday, my feet had joined in the party and I was rocking full-on cankles. There are those who would say that a hotdogfest around an open fire probably didn't help things any, but as this article aptly points out, too little salt can actually prevent your body from being able to keep fluids in your bloodstream and contribute to swelling as well. In general, my salt intake is pretty moderate, so I'm not too worried that this is my problem. It also felt like everything I drank just stayed on board, despite my best efforts to flush my system with water, cranberry juice, and decaf iced tea. I can see it in my face, too, in the pictures we took on our camping trip this weekend. Uff. Few things leave a person feeling less sexy (or even particularly mobile) than feeling like you've bloated up with a few extra pounds of water weight...

And summer hasn't even begun yet. So, the game plan: acupuncture (which I got yesterday, after skipping a week due to working nights last week), regular swimming, forcing myself to drink more fluids, and staying as cool as I possibly can, since I know that heat is always a trigger for me.

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