Wednesday, March 11, 2009

22 weeks

There's not a whole lot to report these days, except that the baby and I are both getting bigger all the time! In the space of a week or two, the baby's movements have changed from subtle fluttering movements to strong, identifiable gestures that are easily felt (and sometimes seen) from the outside. The baby seems to have at least three predictable periods of high activity: when I first wake up, between about 2 and 4 pm, and again just before I go to bed.

Otherwise, I've started seeing a chiropractor trained in Webster technique for general achiness in my lower back and pelvis. I've always had very lax joints and the hormonal influences of pregnancy have only exacerbated that. In particular, I've started experiencing symphysis pain. Measures like sleeping with the support of several pillows helps, but doesn't totally eradicate the problem.

Besides that, though, I'm happy to finally be free of systemic effects like nausea, heartburn, and overwhelming fatigue. When I'm sitting down, I hardly feel pregnant :) Once I try to stand up, though, I quickly remember that I am--changing positions, from getting up from the couch, to just rolling from side to side in bed, is beginning to get more challenging...

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