Saturday, February 28, 2009

Maternity Stores: Who Knew?

Matt and I are not big shoppers. We're not even little shoppers. In fact, I can count on one hand the number of clothing items we've bought--between us--since we've been together. But today we were out and about (actually, to buy a maternity panel for Matt to sew into my scrubs, thereby converting them into maternity scrubs) when we passed the outlet mall, which everyone is always telling us is great but which we've never cared to set foot into.

They happened to have a Motherhood Maternity, and on a whim, we went inside. Up to this point I've avoided maternity stores because a) I don't shop, b) I've gotten so many maternity clothes for free, and c) I've read/heard from so many places that they're ridiculously overpriced that I just assumed that, well, they were.

Maybe some of them are, but this one had me pleasantly surprised. When it seems like you can't get a regular pair of jeans for under 50 bucks these days (unless you live in your little sister's hand-me-downs...or would they be hand-me-ups?), a nice pair of maternity jeans with a stretchy belly panel only ran about $29.99. They had plenty of tops for between $8 and $30, which is again less than I'm used to seeing regular clothing sell for. And the best part? Everything in the store is meant for pregnant women. It's probably hard to appreciate that fact until you've spent a few months feeling like an outsider--can't wear this, can't drink that. But here? It's a whole store just for people like me! What a concept! I've never felt so...catered to...when shopping for clothes before! Do other pregnant women know about these?!

I didn't actually buy anything, because I don't really need anything, but I did come away feeling rather refreshed. Maternity stores--who knew?

And, by the way--Matt did an incredible job on my scrubs, not only putting in a stretchy belly panel that I can wear up or fold down (in lieu of the ever-more-inconvenient drawstring, which rides up, falls down, digs in, and generally obstructs my need to go to the bathroom about ninety times a day), but also putting in a hem on pants that had always been too long.

On second thought, who needs maternity stores when you have a live-in tailor?

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